Sunday, July 29, 2007

Joanne's Survey

Because she mentioned me in one of her questions, I'm posting it here for giggles:

1. Hello my name is: Tracy
2. Never in my life have I: herded cats
3. Someone who can drive me nuts is: anyone, given proper motivation
4. High School: Fordson
5. When I'm nervous: I talk too much
6. The last time I cried was: I don't
7. If I were to get married right now my maid of honor/best man would be? drunk, and so would I have to be
8. My hair is: a mess, I just woke up
9. When I was 4: I hadn't formed my plan to take over the world yet
10. Last Christmas: I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away,
this year, to save me some tears, I'll give it to someone special - bonus points for naming the artist & title!
11. I should be: working
12. When I look down I see: a pretty nice rack
13. The craziest recent event was: can't really think of "crazy" events
14. If I were a character on "One Tree Hill": no idea
15. By this time next year: who knows what might happen
16. My current mood: grumpy
17. I have a hard time understanding: gibberish
18. If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: the person next to me
19. Take my advice: sleep alone instead of with someone you hate
20. The opposite sex: has some good ideas
21. My best feature is: it's not a feature, it's a known issue that the team is working on, we'll have a timeframe for fixing it soon
22. I plan to visit: i don't really plan to visit
23. The world could do without: hypocrites
24. The most recent thing I've bought myself: peace of mind
25. The most recent thing someone else bought for me: a coffee drink
26. I drink alcohol: why, yes, I do
27. I like to party: why, yes, I do
28. The best thing about life is: people
29. I know I can always count on: my fingers
30. Working out: and getting stronger
31. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds: i'm not even hip to birds, man
32. Last night was: not unusual
33. There's this girl I know who: Can shoot mountain dew out her nose!! LOL - DUDE! That was ME!
34. I don't know: how to swim
35. A better name for me would be: can't think of one
36. My birthday is: October 29
37. What I really want for Valentine's Day is: it's already passed this year, I'd rather be surprised
38. I'm wearing: a T-shirt and plaid pajama bottoms
39. Tomorrow I am: going to be doing the same thing i'm doing today
40. The last thing I ate was: pasta with alfredo sauce


Glen said...

I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away,
this year, to save me some tears, I'll give it to someone special - bonus points for naming the artist & title!

Why that would be Wham's "Last Christmas" from 1984.

Maybe I do have a gay side, lol!! Who cares, it's a great song!


Tracy, from Serendib said...

Go ahead & enjoy the song, it's not like the "Man Union" is going to call & ask for your card back, right?