Friday, October 28, 2005


I've got the flu, sort of, from getting a flu shot earlier this week. Since I've got a chronic illness that affects my immune system, I get all kinds of interesting things like that. Instead of simply keeping me healthy this winter, my system reacted to the innoculation and produced fever, chills, nausea, and a host of other nifty side effects too gross to mention. On top of that, my gastroenterologist rescheduled on me for next week because he had some emergency, but at least his office called and let me know 4 hours in advance of my appointment. I'm feeling better today, and I'll even go into class with an apology for the professor, homework in hand. My birthday is tomorrow, but it's not a milestone birthday or anything, nothing exciting, planning on going to see Doom at the Star Southfield with some friends. I'll be playing WoW tonight, never know what could happen!

Air Conditioned Life, Part 2

Remember my comment about going from wind chill factor straight to heat index? Well, it's October now, and we've gone from heat index to wind chill factor. I'm sitting in my office, wrapped up in a blanket, wondering if I've got any hot cocoa left from last March. Quick update on school: Marketing class for which I wrote the half-assed paper (A grade on that) and took the final late: I got an A for the semester, thankyewverahmuch! Then I took the International section of Business Policy & Strategy in Ann Arbor with around 25 students flown in from the University of Padua, Italy, and again, half-assing the class, I got, um... well... not an A... no, much, much lower than an A. Now I've got Feminist Philosophy, and I've gotten an A- on the first paper out of 3 that I need to write. Quick update on Robert: His birthday party was fun! All the immediate family & friends showed up, and more came for James' annual fireworks show & police visit... which did NOT go well. James has been to court and paid over a thousand dollars in fines and legal fees to make sure he wasn't charged with public drunkeness & disorderly conduct as well as fireworks possession and didn't have to spend a month in county jail. Guess I'm back to doing this blog again, especially when the insomnia's bad like it is tonight, too much on my mind to sleep just yet.