Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Progress is being made!

On another site I wrote a little bit about direction and life, that I'm in a really good place right now, as far as knowing where I'm going and taking steps to get there. I've mentioned that I'm moving, but the house isn't completely ready to go yet, and that's ok, it'll get done in due time. Me & The Rockstar are working on it every day this week, along with The Ex and Mr. Pants Hat and whoever else we can bribe into coming out to help. June was a rough month for me as far as work is concerned, but things are falling into place in that regard, as I get more bookings and all the records sorted out, it looks more and more like I'm doing all right.

The last big deal in my life right now is dealing with men, and this has proven more difficult. There is a man who has fit all of the "superhero" categories so far, we'll see how he fits into the costume, and how good he looks in the cape. Unfortunately, there's also another man, who doesn't seem to fit, indeed, he's the opposite of what I'm looking for in so many ways, but I keep ending up in his company from time to time. Then there are the random men who fit a category here & there, but either they aren't making an effort to see me, or I'm not making an effort to catch up with them for whatever reason. There's too much going on right now for me to put up the effort required for a relationship, so I'm going over this for no benefit, really.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Dating / Moving / Working

Lately I've been awfully busy, so time for writing hasn't been easy to find. Here's just a brief state of the union:

1. Dating: I'm talking to one guy in particular and a couple others that have potential. Their vital statistics, and how they match up to the Superhero Want Ad will be posted soon.

2. Moving: To a HUGE house in Highland Park, which has been nicknamed "the HP house" and something about doom, but Danny (friend who's renting it to me) and I agree that it should be spelled "D'ume"

3. Working: Parties are happening, recruits are joining the team, business is good!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Unintentional Break

I did not think I'd stop writing here for as long as I did, but it's okay, I'm right back at it. Reading over the last few posts, the surveys, the random clutter, and the longer stuff that might hold some meaning in between the tales of drunken debauchery, has got me motivated, and I swear, I will make a longer post, but right now I'm trashing my filing cabinets to find an important document.

What I will post for now is this: I cannot talk to my mother, on the phone, or in person, for longer than 3 minutes before my frustration builds to a point where I need a time-out. She is over 60 years old, I am over 30, we both need to grow up.