Sunday, July 29, 2007

Joanne's Survey

Because she mentioned me in one of her questions, I'm posting it here for giggles:

1. Hello my name is: Tracy
2. Never in my life have I: herded cats
3. Someone who can drive me nuts is: anyone, given proper motivation
4. High School: Fordson
5. When I'm nervous: I talk too much
6. The last time I cried was: I don't
7. If I were to get married right now my maid of honor/best man would be? drunk, and so would I have to be
8. My hair is: a mess, I just woke up
9. When I was 4: I hadn't formed my plan to take over the world yet
10. Last Christmas: I gave you my heart, but the very next day, you gave it away,
this year, to save me some tears, I'll give it to someone special - bonus points for naming the artist & title!
11. I should be: working
12. When I look down I see: a pretty nice rack
13. The craziest recent event was: can't really think of "crazy" events
14. If I were a character on "One Tree Hill": no idea
15. By this time next year: who knows what might happen
16. My current mood: grumpy
17. I have a hard time understanding: gibberish
18. If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: the person next to me
19. Take my advice: sleep alone instead of with someone you hate
20. The opposite sex: has some good ideas
21. My best feature is: it's not a feature, it's a known issue that the team is working on, we'll have a timeframe for fixing it soon
22. I plan to visit: i don't really plan to visit
23. The world could do without: hypocrites
24. The most recent thing I've bought myself: peace of mind
25. The most recent thing someone else bought for me: a coffee drink
26. I drink alcohol: why, yes, I do
27. I like to party: why, yes, I do
28. The best thing about life is: people
29. I know I can always count on: my fingers
30. Working out: and getting stronger
31. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds: i'm not even hip to birds, man
32. Last night was: not unusual
33. There's this girl I know who: Can shoot mountain dew out her nose!! LOL - DUDE! That was ME!
34. I don't know: how to swim
35. A better name for me would be: can't think of one
36. My birthday is: October 29
37. What I really want for Valentine's Day is: it's already passed this year, I'd rather be surprised
38. I'm wearing: a T-shirt and plaid pajama bottoms
39. Tomorrow I am: going to be doing the same thing i'm doing today
40. The last thing I ate was: pasta with alfredo sauce

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Pillow Talk

I had a conversation last night with a friend about men and women, and how we've lost a sense of how to interact with one another. Well, that's not how it started, but that's what we eventually got to. The changing dynamic of who's responsible for what as far as how the world works has led to some confusion in both men and women. It's been put this way: men have forgotten to be men... that didn't lead to a discussion of what it is to be a man, since that conversation would've taken far more time than I was willing to devote to talking. The point is that all the big talk of equality and rights and double standards and oppression, etc, has left the average person adrift when it comes to talking to the opposite sex. Can the internet be used to get men and women to communicate again? Are the little things we say in comments on pages and in chat rooms the first steps to making it safe to say, "hi, you seem intelligent and attractive, let's discuss the upcoming presidential election further?" Or is the point of all of this technology to help us into the World Wide Bed?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

This is why I am who I am:

I've been using Serendipity Chick as a nickname for a little while, and now, has finally made it make sense... today's word of the day is:

serendipity \ser-uhn-DIP-uh-tee\, noun:
The faculty or phenomenon of making fortunate accidental discoveries.

The word serendipity was formed by English author Horace Walpole (1717-1797) from Serendip (also Serendib), an old name for Sri Lanka, in reference to a Persian tale, The Three Princes of Serendip, whose heroes "discovered, quite unexpectedly, great and wonderful good in the most unlikely of situations, places and people."

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Off to the races!

Yes, folks, that's right, I am packing a bag to go to Port Huron tomorrow for the boat races from there to Mackinac. I am getting so excited! The whole city of Port Huron has been one big party for the past couple days, and will keep going until Saturday, when we check out & return to civilization. The return trip will get me home in time for my niece's graduation party, we're all very proud of her, and also sad because she'll be going into the Marines in January and she'll be missed like crazy. Depending on how long that goes, and it may continue well into the wee hours, I'm also thinking of going out to Gibraltar North for the outdoor carnival thing that's held there, first to get my Tilt-A-Whirl fix, second because the Rockstar's running sound for the same band he did last weekend, so there's a possibility for tomfoolery!
Here's a quick survey cribbed from a friend on myspace, enjoy...
Can you blow a bubble?: Yes
Can you dance?: in theory, yes
Can you do a cart wheel?: Yes
Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?: no
Can you touch your toes?: Yes
Can you whistle?: yes, but i hate the sound
Can you wiggle your ears?: no
Can you wiggle your nose? Yes
Did you ever get into a fist fight in school?: no
Did you ever run away from home?: Yes, but only down the block
Did you ever want to be a doctor?: Yes
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: No, but I did want to date one
Do you believe in God?: not in the way you'd think
Do you know how to swim?: no
Do you like roller coasters?: not as such
Do you own a bike?: yes
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on the reality shows? no
Does hair loss run in your family at all?: not really
Does your car get good gas mileage?: No
Does your family have family picnics?: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Have you ever been on a plane? Yes
Have you ever asked someone out?: Yes
Have you ever been asked out by someone? Yes
Have you ever been to the ocean?: Yes
Have you ever gone fishing?: Yes
Have you ever painted your nails?: Yes
How did you find out about myspace?: HoV got me sucked in!
how many people are on your friend's list?: 107 - give or take
How many of them have you met in person?: Almost all of them
How many times has your profile been visited?: over 2500
How tall are you?: 5'6"
How much money do you have on you right now?: $48 - give or take
Last person you hung out with?: um, well, there was this party thing at the Dead Zone, so, technically, a bunch of people I don't know
Last thing you said out loud?: do you want pink juice, milk, or orange juice?
Last thing someone said to you?: red juice
What are you listening to?: the news
What is the weather outside?: sunny & humid
What radio station do you listen to?: all of them
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: can't remember the name, was out to breakfast at like 2am after the bar on Friday night
What was the last thing you bought?: groceries
What was the last thing you had to drink?: juice
what was the last t.v. show you watched?: Dog the Bounty Hunter
What's up with your myspace picture? I like it, what's your problem?
Who is your newest friend you added to myspace?: Um, dunno, I added a bunch of people the other day
Who was the last person you IM'd?: Kerry
talked to on the phone?: Megs
Who is your current crush?: I'm not telling
Who was the last person you took pictures with?: i'm alone in the latest pics of me
Who is in your default picture?: just me & Mr. Corona
Who was the last person to leave you a comment?: Dunno, haven't looked today
Who was the last person you said i love you to?: Mr. Pants Hat

Monday, July 16, 2007

The Storm Continues

I've been awake since around 4:45am, after a weird day of recovery sleep from this past weekend. Every dream I've had in the past few days has been slightly bizarre, including the one about powdered sugar doughnuts and a marquee sign written in Spanish. My mind is all over the place, racing from things I still need to pack up and move out of my ex's house, to work that still needs to be done on the HP house, to the guy I met Saturday night, to what I'm going to do this week as far as the new job with the concierge service, to all the phone calls I need to make, etc. It's normal for me to live in a state of hurricane, but lately the windspeeds have increased exponentially. It's lucky that I have a lot of people here to help me keep it all together, even when I don't come right out and ask, and especially when I do.
This Wednesday and Thursday I'm going to the boat races in Port Huron to assist the Lovely & Talented Megs; selling band t-shirts, ferrying drinks, lining up requests for her autograph, whatever she needs, in order for me to get a break and her to have some company up there instead of just the boys in the band. There's the possibility for adventure and excitement, who knows what might happen?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Last Time

I checked, I hadn't done a survey in a while, so here's another one I cribbed from a friend on myspace, thanks Jo-Jo!

1. Last cigarette: puffed a little on one at a bar a while back
2. Last beverage: Mt. Dew
3. Last phone call: my favorite cousin
4. Last text message: "I can't tell you what I'm thinking, 'cause I can't spell it correctly, 'cause I'm drunk"
5. Last CD played: Gretchen Wilson
6. Last bubble bath: Last week
7. Last time you cried: I don't do that
8. Last meal: Chicken Pot Pie

EIGHT Have You’s
1. Have you ever dated someone twice? yes
2. Have you ever been cheated on? yes
3. Have you ever bought condoms? yes
4. Have you ever kissed someone & regreted it? nope
5. Have you ever fallen in love? Truly, madly, deeply
6. Have you ever lost someone close? yes
7. Have you ever been depressed? Yes
8. Have you ever been drunk and thrown up? yes

Name SIX things you did in the past three days
1. Talked on the phone
2. Watched TV
3. Ran 7 loads of laundry
4. Put gas in the van
5. Played in the Kingdom of Loathing
6. Hung out with Mr. Pants Hat

List FOUR people you can tell pretty much anything to
1. The Caveman
2. The Pharmeceutically-Enhanced Goddess
3. The Rockstar
4. She Who Must Be Obeyed
(They all know who they are)

List THREE favorite colors
1. Blue
2. Black
3. Plaid

List TWO things you want to do before you die
1. Almost Everything
2. Everything Else

SO FAR IN 07′…
Been to school - no
Made a new friend- yes
Fallen out of love - no
Done something you swore never to do - no
Laughed until you cried - yes
Went behind your parents back - no
Met someone who changed your life - yes
Gotten close to someone- yes
Found out who your true friends were - yes

1. Bush? The band is good, I've seen them in concert
2. Gay Marriage? Sure, why not
3. Straight, Gay, Bi? Straight, but not narrow!
4. Long-term relationships? sure, why not
5. Do you have a crush? nope, but I'd like an orange one right about now
6. Who is the best hugger that you know? Mr. Pants Hat
7. Do you believe in love at first sight? i hope so
8. Is there something you want to tell someone? several things
9. What brand of shirt are you wearing? Kung Fu
10. Would you kiss anyone on your top friends? many of them
11. Do you have “A thing” for anyone on your top friends? definately
12. How many people on your top friends? I think 24, subject to change without notice
13. How many kids do you want to have? one
14. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Depends on who you ask
15. Do you wanna change your name? nope
16. What did you do for your last birthday? can't quite remember
17. What time did you wake up today? noon-ish
18. What were you doing at midnight last night? watching Dog the Bounty Hunter
19. Name something you CANNOT wait to do: pee, when I gotta go, I gotta go
20. Last time you saw your dad? visited his grave a while back
21. What is one thing you wish you could change about yourself? If I wish to change it, I do
22. Which hand do you like better? depends on what I'm doing
23. What are you listening to right now? The A/C just came on
24. Have you ever talked to Tom? nope
25. Have you ever donated money to a good cause? yes
26. Have you ever talked about someone behind their back? yes
27. Least favorite month? don't have one
28. What’s the last piece of clothing you borrowed from anyone? groovy black tank top from Megs
29. Who’s getting on your nerves right now? The Ex, and some guy named Chad
30. Most visited webpage? KoL
31. Would you help your best friend fight if he/she is losing? My best friend wouldn't lose a fight
32. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
33. What was the worst day of your life? as long as I'm alive, it's a good day
34. Have you kissed or been kissed by anyone in the past week? yes
35. Do you disagree with a lot of things going on in the world? yes
36. Do you think there’s some models/people out there, that should lose a few pounds? that's up to them

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Moving Right Along

OK, so the house in the HP still isn't technically ready, but a majority of my belongings are in storage there. I'll be working there with the Rockstar this week to get things done so that by next Friday at the latest, I'll be pretty much 90% moved. The Ex is not pleased with the schedule, but he's being somewhat appreciative in that while I'm still at his house I'm taking care of our son, cleaning, and running loads of laundry and dishes. Plus ca change, plus ca meme, oui?
Over the past week, I got to hear Meg & Tony at the Oak Street Grill, which was swell, but I got a ticket for unneccessary noise for squealing my tires around a corner in Royal Joke. The officer could've made it a worse ticket, adding on that I was speeding, but he didn't - my problem is that I have no idea how much the infraction costs, so I can't send in a check to cover the fine without calling the court. I'm not going to fight the ticket, I know I was driving obnoxiously, but I'd appreciate being able to just pay it and be done.
The weekend began with another night of going to see 7venth Son, at Augie's, home of my purse-puking incident a few weeks back. This particular night some guy was celebrating his birthday, and by the end of the night, he was kissing my ear, giving me a neckrub, and carrying on a bit. Unfortunately, he was also wearing a hat that the waitresses had made for him out of 6 or 7 balloons, and lives over 50 miles away. Instead, I followed through on my plans to crash on Meg's couch, drop a load of stuff at the HPH, and made it back to Redford before noon.
Today I'm trying to clean up a few things for work, get more belongings packed, and get a handle on my paperwork and finances. I finished watching "Y Tu Mama, Tambien", finally, and it's possible I'll find time to catch up on my comics that I've had piling up for months now. Busy, busy, busy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Since talking to Skippy last night, I was reminded that I'm actually pretty much on track with how I handle things in life, i.e., assess the situation, bounce ideas off of a few people, then jump in with both feet!