Monday, April 28, 2008

Lighter than Earlier, Just a Survey

What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
Cherry Kool-Aid

Have you ever kissed anyone named Matt?
I beleive I did, at his bachelor party, after he gave me a foot massage, but before the video started playing.

What does your last text message say?
No texts in a few weeks

What was the last song you listened to?
Coward by Rubber Clown Car

If you hated someone and got put in charge of their funeral music, what would it be?
Happy Happy Joy Joy from Ren & Stimpy

What did you do yesterday?
Spent time with Mr. Pants Hat

Would you say I love you and not mean it?
No, nay, never

Pick a scar on your body - what did you do?
Stomach - running with glass soda bottles

How would you describe your best friend in one word?

Last time you were dumped?
It's been a long time, but it still hurt

Who's your most religious friend?
Oddly enough, none of them

Who do you trust with your life?
I don't trust me with my life sometimes, but I trust the Caveman to kill me under certain conditions

If you could change your name to anything what would it be?
I wouldn't, at this time, but that's subject to change

What would you do if someone told you that you were the most beautiful person in the world and they would do anything to wake up to your face each and every morning?
Question their level of inebriation

Do you trust all of your friends?
To some extent, yes

Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love?
If necessary, yes

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?

Name one thing you would NOT tolerate in a relationship?

Which one of your top friends do you think would make the best prostitute?
None of them, thank goodness

Who is the nicest person you know?
Mr. Bad Luck, unfortunately for him

What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future?
Painted Toenails

If you were to wake up from being in a coma for an extended time who would you call?
I'm not sure I would

Would you make a good parent?
I believe I am

Where was your default picture taken?
The Fat Iguana

Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
Sex and other Indoor Sports

Who knows you the best?
I do

When is the last time you liked someone?
Minutes ago

What are your plans for the weekend?
Sports at the rec center, vegging on the couch watching cartoons & eating Oreos, walking around the neighborhood, and whatever else Mr. Pants Hat wants to do

What are you looking forward to?

What's your favorite saying?
I'm working on a few new ones, since, "Don't Question Me" and "Unacceptable" are getting old

Do you still talk to the last person you kissed?

Have you ever punched a tree?
yes, and it hurt

Have you ever snuck out of your house/someone in your house?
not this current one, however, snuck into my childhood home and snuck someone else in

Morning or night person?
afternoon is when i get rolling

Are you there for your friends?
Without fail

Do you like to spend time with people?
Yes, to my own detriment at times

Are you a forgiving person?
not always

Would you ever share a girl/boyfriend with your best friend?
nope, that's just... awkward

Have you lost a friend recently?

Are you talking to someone while doing this? Who?
yes, and it's very distracting

Do you want to be in a relationship right now??
no and yes, at the same time, and on really odd terms

Leading More Than One Life

Those who have known me for a few years are aware of my somewhat bizarre custody arrangement with my ex-husband. No, I'm not talking about his taking over ownership of my cat, but about our having our son for one week each, then switching over on Sundays at 6pm. What this does to my life, and his supposedly, is force a shift in activities and priorities week to week. Finding cool places to go and things to do with my son isn't a problem, this city is packed with kid-friendlyness. The problem lies in what to do during the weeks he's not with me. Have you ever heard the saying, "An idle mind is the devil's workshop"? That's pretty much what goes on - either I spend far too many hours in bed feeling sorry for myself, I engage in flights of fancy (seriously, I've got about a billion frequent flyer miles from those), I make plans to do things that will never be set in motion, or I go out and do non-constructive things in order to numb myself and not feel lost and alone. The worst part is the self-sabotage; not plannin what I have to do, making excuses when things don't happen the way I want, or setting myself up for failure with goals that are way too high in the short term. Writing about this is an attempt to change old behavior patterns and get moving in better directions. Knowing what I'm doing wrong and putting it out in public makes me feel a bit more accountable, even if some of the slightly naughty things I do on my weeks off are enjoyable. The hard part of leading more than one life is choosing what parts of each I want to keep when I finally pull it all together.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I Don't Want To!

I am acting like a spoiled brat, and have been, for quite some time now. Rather than growing up and being the adult that my age and situation demands, I've slacked, I've procrastinated, I've slept, and I've still not escaped the inevitable. No other conclusion than that, just announcing that I've been Scarlett O'Hara-ing my way through things lately, but at least I'm not wearing the curtains as clothes!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Dog Hates My Laptop

More specifically, my dog hates when I'm working. As soon as I sit down to write, he barks, whines to go out, and makes a nuisance of himself. I've tried to ignore him, pay him a little attention, give him water / food / toys, and then go back to typing, but it seems that he's just not satisfied until I'm on the couch with him next to me. If I am doing other things around the house, he leaves me to it without complaint. My sitting at a desk or table, focused on a screen, however, angers him. At least, that's my excuse this week.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm a Bad Neighbor

After being here for over six months, I have just now noticed that my dog's favorite spot to poo is located under the next door neighbor's bedroom window. Wonder what that's done for their sex life?

I refuse to answer the door to anyone who does not call to let me know they're on the way over. As a consequence, the complex manager is more than a little ticked, and has not fixed the plumbing leak that I paid to have him fix over a month ago, and so the neighbor on the other side is having drain issues on his lawn and is also ticked at me.

When I can't quite fill up a full garbage bag, I leave it, shut but not tied outside on the porch. The black bags then warm up and the smell from the contents wafts around until I fill it up, tie it off, and walk it down to the dumpster. I'm sure the neighbors on both sides aren't loving this.

A few questions from Hollywood

Fact about the person u like?
They're breathing

What happened at 10:00 am today?
I killed a wasp in my bathroom

When did you last cry?
Don't remember

What do you want in your life right now?
A cold drink

Something you just don’t understand?
Tax Law

What is the last thing someone bought you?
Can't think of anything recently

Where did you last eat?

Name someone whose name starts with the letter A?
Allison - and I haven't thought of her in years

Who’s the most annoying person in your neighborhood?
Probably me

What were you doing at 8:30PM last Friday night?
Hanging out with my son, watching wrestling

Do you plan on moving in the next year?
at least once

What are you thinking of right now?
Getting productive & going through a ton of paperwork

What did you do today?
Caught up on some websites, a little bit of work

Do you have a job?

What are you doing right now besides this survey?
Watching Pirates of the Caribbean

What are your plans tomorrow?
Walking to do some errands

Who took your profile picture?

What is your current problem?
Problem? What problem?

What are you looking forward to in the next week?
Seeing a few people I've been missing, continuing training

Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes, and mended too

Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?

Who is the last person you freaked out on?
Having trouble remembering

Do you like someone right now?
Many people

Why did your parents give you the name you have?
No idea, but I'm glad it's something normal

Who was the last person you yelled at?
Yell? Why would I ever do that?

What is something you say when you are mad?

Have you ever cried when you’re mad?

Four Names you go by:
Tracy, T, Trouble, Mom

Three things you're wearing right now:
Shirt, Shorts, Shoes

Are you currently in a relationship?

Who were you last with?
In the SUV with Mama Loca & Mr. Pants Hat

Have you ever been given a rose?

Say you were in a relationship for 2 years and your boy/girlfriend cheats?
There would be blood

Do you believe everyone has a soul mate?

Your thoughts of online or long distance relationship?
Difficult to maintain

Have you ever seen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend cheating on them?

Do you believe the statement "love is a battlefield"?
More like a minefield

How many kids do you want to have?
I've got mine already

What is your favorite holiday?

Do you think the person you like, likes you back?
Sure, why not

Imagine you're 40 & your spouse just died, would you get re-married?
Not immediately

Who was the last person of the opposite sex you conversed with?

Where is the last place you went out to eat?
Barbecue food at Scott's

What was the last beverage you consumed?

Thoughts at this moment?
Random bits of work to get done

Do you bite your lips a lot?

What is more essential - a pretty face or a great body?
Neither are technically essential, both help make certain situations easier

Medicine, fine arts, law, or military?
All of the above

What do you like on your pizza?
If I have to have it, light sauce, light cheese, chicken & veggies

Favorite drink?
Gave up Mt. Dew, so, at the moment, Tea & Kool Aid with occasional shots, beers, mixers, malt beverages, etc, etc

Do you miss anyone?
When I don't wait for a good shot, yes

What were you doing at 10 PM on Saturday night?
On the phone with Matt who was visiting his family in NJ & going to get him some White Castle

Who do you hate?
Don't really hate

Who was the last person you had in your room?

Is your room clean?
Nope, in the middle of packing up

Can you speak another language?
Bits of German, Spanish, French and Polish, although at times I struggle with English

What are you going to do tomorrow?
Errands & miscellaneous crap

What is in store for your future?
there's a store?

Who was the last band you saw live and who did you see them with?
7venth Son at DB Coopers with Holly, Michelle, Pat & others

When was the last time you danced?
in the kitchen while making food earlier

When was the last time you purchased something over $500?
it's been quite some time

Favorite color?
Dark blue clearcoat metallic

Who is your favorite person to have a serious conversation with?
Anyone with a serious opinion

Who was driving the last time you were in a car?
Mama Loca

Where do you want to go?
Right now, I'm thinking Alaska might be nice

What are you wearing?
Shirts, Shorts, Shoes

How many tickets do you have?
None, not selling any at the moment

Why are you doing this survey?
Needed material for the blog

Who was the last person to call you?
The Pharmeceutically Enhanced Goddess

What does your twelveth message on your inbox say?
no idea

What are you craving?
Human Contact

Whats the closest red thing to you?
My plastic Captain Morgan glass that I took home from Ernie's

What are you listening to?
George Stroumboulopolous on The Hour

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Myspace Bulletin Survey from JanetMuffin

1.Do you sleep with socks on or off?
Off, most of the time

2.Do you flip your pillow to the cold side?
Yes, in the summer

3.Do you like to hold or be held?
Neither, i feel suffocated if someone tries to hold me while i'm sleeping

4.Are you trusting of new people?
Yes and no, depends on their references

5.If your dream was to be a model and a big opportunity came up but you had to be nude , would you do it?
I can't ever imagine my dream in life to be a model, so, probably not

6.What is the most money you would spend on a pair of shoes?
Depends on the shoes

7.If you were a crayon, what color would you be?

8.Do you have more friends or more acquaintances?
Acquaintances by the truckload

9.If you could win a couple front row tickets to a game, any sport any team??
Lion's Football

10.Would you rather help someone out or be helped out?
Both, but it's easier for me to help, as I have problems asking for help

11.If you found out you couldn't have kids, would you adopt?
If I didn't already have my son, this would be a trickier question, as it is, I would not

12.What woke you up this morning?
The sun

13.Where are you?

14.How was your weekend?
Fun, but frustrating

15.When was the last time you cried?
Can't remember

16.Ever thrown up in public?
Oh, hell yes

17.Passed out because of alcohol?
Passed out, blacked out, been tossed out

18.What is on your mind RIGHT NOW?
Watching "The Riches" tonight, and what will George be wearing on "The Hour"

19.Would you take a bullet for anyone?
Hopefully I'd have the good sense & fast enough reflexes to get them & myself out of the way and then fire back

20.Where would you like to live?
about a mile away from everything

21.What kind of house would you like?
a sprawling ranch house with enough room for my son, my dog, and anyone else who comes along and needs a place

22.What do you want to be when you grow up?
i don't want to grow up

23.Who is your number 1?
My cousin Dale

24.Who was the last person that left you a comment?
Janet, telling me I'm beautiful and getting info on where we're going this weekend

25.last person to text you?
no idea, i've sworn off texting

26.Are you good friends with this person?
i'm good friends with many people

27.How often do you log in to myspace?

28.Do you like candy necklaces?
depends on the candy

29.When was the last time you fell or ran into something?
i'm constantly stubbing toes & hitting my head on things, this place is too small

30.What was the last thing you drank?
grape koolaid

31.Who do you miss?
my son when he's not with me

32.About how many people have you driven with?
many, but most recently, renee

33.What are you doing this weekend?
having fun, i hope

34.Whats your favorite kind of soda?
Mt. Dew

35.Last kiss?
goodbye to my son on sunday

36.Last hug?
goodbye to my son on sunday

37.How many times have you eaten sushi?
several, it's good stuff

38.What do you want to do right now?
set my schedule

39.Are you listening to music right now?
whatever's the song in the movie "The Punisher" as it ends

40.When were you the saddest in your whole life?
can't remember sad right now, still feeling numb

41.What time is it now?

42.Do you think anyone will repost to this?

43.What makes you pissed off?
how i'm treated by someone who should know better

44.What song makes you cry?
none that i can think of right now

45.What do you like to listen to before you go to bed?
slow, steady breathing

46.What makes you happy?
happy people around me


Auburny goodness

Ears, twice

a few on my back, plans for a few more

What are you wearing?
A t-shirt and pj pants

What taste is in your mouth?

Do you have a bad habit?
i am often unkind

Monday, April 07, 2008

The New Word for April is Douchebag

According to Michelle, who began using it full-strength on her drive from Texas home to Michigan this past week. She took a bunch of beautiful pictures of her honey Brad & the scenery of the Lone Star State; we're all glad she's back safe & sound. She is, however, now calling people douchebags for infractions in common courtesy or general impolity. Michelle is like the blonde girl from 16 Candles, she's totally gorgeous, has great manners, goes out of her way to be nice to everyone...basically, there's absolutely nothing about her you can cut up, you can't help but want to be her friend. Everyone is now officially on notice: The New Word for April is Douchebag.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

I Need to Move

For a number of reasons, and in a few different ways, I need to move. Change is a good thing, and I'd like to think that I'm pretty adaptable to new situations and circumstances. Right now, I feel the need to move my body, as in exercise, after a long winter of not doing much in that vein. There's a 90-Day Train for a 5K plan that I'm hoping to follow, not that I have a particular 5K race in mind, but it seems like an achieveable goal. Moving my mind in new directions also seems appealing, and I've been going to the library for a few months now, checking out books from the New Releases section in order to find what's out there. I don't read a lot of fiction anymore, not because there's nothing edifying out there in that genre, but because I've been concentrating on business building books and more how-to manuals. Oprah's book club is even starting to look appealing, so it must be time for a change in reading habits. Moving house will probably be the most major change, and it's motivated on a few different levels, first being that where I'm living now is no longer dog-friendly, and I refuse to give up Bam. Second, a feeling of "itchy feet" is starting to set in - periodically, getting out of where I am is necessary. In previous living arrangements, I was able to simply move the furniture around, or buy some new object to display to give me a new view. This time, however, a kind of claustrophobia is setting in, and the walls feel far more solid than they are. Taken all together, I need to move, to tear things apart from all sides, inside, outside, upside down.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Hi baby, what's your name?

That is how my telephone conversations begin, from 9am to 1pm, Wednesday through Sunday. My new job as a phone sex operator is neither challenging nor rewarding, but it is occasionally interesting. I'm not sure how ethical it is to describe the nature of the calls, or the callers, or the staff at "the office" that I call into daily that monitor the calls. What I can talk about, is that it is becoming obvious that although this job is mildly amusing and has ample opportunities for shock value, I am not getting any sense of satisfation out of it, and very little monetary compensation. So, to offset the lunacy and derive something out of this experience, here are a few observations:

- Men do not believe it is gay for them to perform fellatio on a transsexual, or to have a transsexual return the favor, however, they are off-put by the phrase "return the favor"
- Phone sex callers are probably not big on cuddling with their real-life partners, my only evidence of this being the speed at which they hang-up the phone post-orgasm
- Some callers really make the phone operators angry, the ones who are already ready already, the ones who speak in voices so low that dogs wouldn't be able to hear them, the ones who want to meet me in person, and the ones who don't bother to describe themselves in flattering detail. I mean, I'm adding & subtracting a few inches here & there, why can't you do the same to give me something to work with?
- My work week begins on Wednesday and ends on Sunday, so when the supervisor asks me on Sunday to stay on for a few more hours, this is the wrong time to ask... it's equivalent to asking Peter to come in on Saturday, and how about you come in on Sunday too...
- The hours I work are not the busiest times of the day, so I am able to get a lot done around the house, which is cool, but, when a caller asks me where I am & what I'm wearing, I'm sorely tempted to respond that I'm in the kitchen, hip deep in dish suds, wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt with food stains... then again, I'm sure some guy out there finds that incredibly sexy
- I love callers that do the work for me. Guys who call in and describe what they want to do to me & ask me if I like it are great, even if they want to go ass to mouth. Sure, yeah, ok, whatever you want baby!
- Certain callers give me the creeps. Like the one who wants to screw the underage next door neighbor girl, or the one who's convinced I'm his soulmate and we should set things on fire together. These kinds of guys that I talk to on the phone are making it really difficult for any guy I meet in person to get anywhere near me.
- I'm not allowed to discuss drugs, pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, criminal activities, or give any details that would lead a caller to be able to find and/or contact me. But that leaves a whole range of things that I personally find ... icky. However, the upside of this is that I may be preventing some of these guys from actually going out and doing these things to another human. Unsure if that's exactly how it works or not, but it's something to hold onto in the hopes that it prevents violence or depravity amoung the general population.

This job may pay the bills for a short time, but I'm finding that like any other employment situation that I've ever been in, it's starting to suck my soul out from my nose.