Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Another new blog, just what the world didn't need

Exactly. No one needs any more stuff to read, and I certainly don't need another thing to have to do every other day. But I read the article in Popular Mechanics, and I decided to give it a shot. Seems like a good idea to keep some sort of journal, and having it online where people might want to read it might be motivation enough to keep doing it. I've never been very good at keeping a journal. I start out with the best intentions, I've even had to do them back in school, but the task of writing it falls down on my list of priorities and it just doesn't get done. A lot of things around here just don't get done. We have a nice enough house, but it would look so much better if only I would devote an hour a day to cleaning it. That's the problem, I plan to clean, I have the products to clean, and some mornings I'll even wake up ready to clean, but then Robert wakes up, or I turn on the television, or I log into WoW and 4 hours later nothing's been done. It's not that I lack motivation, I just don't focus on what's important... I know what my priorities are, I just ignore them... I'd rather do nothing, because there aren't any really bad consequences to not doing what I should be doing. My inaction doesn't lead to bad results. Doing nothing has the same effect as doing the things I need to do. I feel neutral, I feel invisible, I feel purposeless. So I'm writing this blog to give myself some purpose, some outer sense of being needed by the world. Go figure, no one's going to read it.

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