Thursday, June 02, 2005

Fear of an Angry Spouse

So I need motivation today to finish 3 chapter outlines and a 10 page paper for Marketing that I started and stopped and then decided to drop the class. Well, wouldn't you know it, I get the most understanding professor in the world, and he's willing to let me come back to class after missing 3 sessions (because of the flu) as long as I have the work done. Isn't that just ducky? But here it's already after 10am, and I'm making zero progress. I've surfed a few websites, talked to James on the phone, and am writing here as a stalling tactic. When I get done with this, I'll probably call Sherri and the flip on the tv for a couple hours. By 2pm, I'll be playing World of Warcraft, and when James comes home I'll be freaking out because I've blown my chance at salvaging this semester and he'll be pissed at having wasted another pile of money on tuition. OK, that's it, that's my motivation, don't piss off James, that should do it. Too bad fear of angry playgroup moms couldn't have gotten me out the door with Robert this morning so that he could go play at Kristie's with Kaden and the rest of the toddlers. Maybe I'll offer to host next week, so that I'll have to get the house cleaned up and my homework done in advance.

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