Monday, March 19, 2007

Guilty Pleasures

Guilty pleasures are the kinds of things that you really shouldn’t like, but you can’t resist. I’m not going to publish a list of mine, because what might be a guilty pleasure for me may be just an ordinary night at home for you. What I do would like to know is why I feel guilty for enjoying the things that I do. If I’m not hurting anyone, why is it not acceptable to watch reality tv in bed with a glass of mountain dew and a bag of popcorn? The subject of guilt has been brought up a lot lately. Considering the whole “raised Catholic” thing, feeling like I’ve done something wrong even when I haven’t is a common occurrence. But it’s been so ingrained in so many of us for so long that we’re constantly screwing up, that we’ve become desensitized to that feeling, and so when we actually do hurt ourselves or someone else by what we do, it’s tough to realize what’s happening in time to stop it. How is it possible to separate a feeling of real remorse for doing something wrong from the feeling that whatever you do, you’re wrong?

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