Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

So, there are commercials for an ice cream product that ask "What would you do for a Klondike bar?" and goes on to show people do odd things in order to get free ice cream. Well, I wouldn't do anything embarrassing for free ice cream, but I do go great distances to get some alone time. I'll explain: I was in my doctor's office a couple weeks ago, getting checked out for a pain I was having in my butt, no not my husband, my actual behind. My friend Sherri calls, and I explain where I am, and that my motherinlaw had my son with her, and that I'd had to go and get an abcess in my ass in order to get some time alone. Fast forward to last Friday, I had a fistulotomy to alleviate the pain. So now I'm at home, typing this from my new laptop, and enjoying some time to myself. I'm hopped up on painkillers and pudding, not exactly feeling good, but not feeling bad either.

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