Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Everyone's an A Student

OK, so I finished a few of the assignments for class that I'm behind on, and I went last night, spoke to the professor, and I've been given enough time to get everything done that needs to be in order to get credit for the class. What kind of grade I'll get remains to be seen, as my paper was kind of crap, but if I do a decent presentation, and turn in the rest of the assignments, I should at least get a C+. It's funny how I'm a C+ student when it comes to effort on my part, but I've been told I should be an A student because of "potential", "talent", or "giftedness"... what a load of garbage. Given enough time, everyone's an A student. The professor cut the class short, so I thought I'd come home and play some WoW, but, as it turns out, since it was patch day, and James couldn't get it all downloaded, he made my life miserable by sitting there huffing and puffing and getting bent out of shape. As if I could make the download go faster? As if I didn't even try to make it easier for him by starting the download during the day while he was at work? Nope, all I get is his angry behavior, and I can't deal with that, so I logged off and went to bed after telling everyone why. And he still hasn't thanked me, or apologized for being a jerk.

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