Thursday, May 24, 2007

Owie, owie, owie, owie, owie, OWIE!!!!!

Yesterday was the first time I got on the bike that I'd bought recently, and this morning, I have owies. Apparently, that rush of... whatever it is that makes you not feel pain when it happens so that you can get out of danger goes away by the next morning. I have scrapes on my shins from the pedals, I skinned my right knee, and there's a part of my chest below my left collarbone where I fell on a handlebar that's bruising up really nicely. It's fan-freaking-tastic! Now I know that I can fall, and even damage myself, and I'm still going to be okay. The bike-riding needs more work, but CK has lent me a trainer device that holds the back wheel in place so that I can practice balancing and starting off at home, in the hopes that I get the hang of it a little faster. A side note to EP, who doubted my lack of coordination: YES, in fact, I CAN launch myself headfirst over the handlebars, and you weren't there to see it and take pictures! Telling someone that I have a really messed up sense of balance just doesn't do it justice, it has to be seen to be believed.

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