Saturday, May 10, 2008

New Job, Old Loves

I'm waitressing, again, and this time, I'm actually kind of good at it. The uniforms aren't awful, the menu isn't huge, and at the restaurant's absolute busiest, I'll only have 6 tables. I can handle this. The good/bad news? I'm working weekend nights, when the most money is out there, but that completely tanks any attempts at a social life. I could lower my standards, but what would be the point? Guys that are open to dating during the week are either unemployed, hiding something, or married, and I'm not going back there again. Speaking of going backwards, when I was talking to someone I dated years ago, let's call him, Mr. Y2K, he reminded me that it can be a bad thing to revisit past relationships. A newer guy has popped back into my life recently, but everything about him is still the same as it ever was, and he's now reminding me more and more why I don't date guys like him. Maybe I need to revisit my "Superhero Seeks Same" post and update who I'm after, any suggestions for constructive changes are welcome!

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