Thursday, May 22, 2008

She's real fine my 409

Or not, since $4.09 was the price of ONE gallon of gasoline today. Absolutely ridiculous, and yet another thing I'll be paying through the nose for once I get another car.

1 comment:

Glen said...

OK, we don't know each other except through Jason's blog and reading each other's sometimes sporadic posts....but this is freaky!

Not 20 minutes ago I was driving home, saw a gas station sign for gas at 4.09 a gallon and went into a song-in-my-head tizzy...making up new lyrics to the Beach Boys classic which reflect the insanity of gas prices we all face.

I walk in the door, check my email, see your post on my blog entry about Mugabe, hop over to your blog to see what you're up to....and freak out. Very strange indeed.

Be well! I can tell you're cool as hell.