Monday, April 21, 2008

A few questions from Hollywood

Fact about the person u like?
They're breathing

What happened at 10:00 am today?
I killed a wasp in my bathroom

When did you last cry?
Don't remember

What do you want in your life right now?
A cold drink

Something you just don’t understand?
Tax Law

What is the last thing someone bought you?
Can't think of anything recently

Where did you last eat?

Name someone whose name starts with the letter A?
Allison - and I haven't thought of her in years

Who’s the most annoying person in your neighborhood?
Probably me

What were you doing at 8:30PM last Friday night?
Hanging out with my son, watching wrestling

Do you plan on moving in the next year?
at least once

What are you thinking of right now?
Getting productive & going through a ton of paperwork

What did you do today?
Caught up on some websites, a little bit of work

Do you have a job?

What are you doing right now besides this survey?
Watching Pirates of the Caribbean

What are your plans tomorrow?
Walking to do some errands

Who took your profile picture?

What is your current problem?
Problem? What problem?

What are you looking forward to in the next week?
Seeing a few people I've been missing, continuing training

Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yes, and mended too

Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?

Who is the last person you freaked out on?
Having trouble remembering

Do you like someone right now?
Many people

Why did your parents give you the name you have?
No idea, but I'm glad it's something normal

Who was the last person you yelled at?
Yell? Why would I ever do that?

What is something you say when you are mad?

Have you ever cried when you’re mad?

Four Names you go by:
Tracy, T, Trouble, Mom

Three things you're wearing right now:
Shirt, Shorts, Shoes

Are you currently in a relationship?

Who were you last with?
In the SUV with Mama Loca & Mr. Pants Hat

Have you ever been given a rose?

Say you were in a relationship for 2 years and your boy/girlfriend cheats?
There would be blood

Do you believe everyone has a soul mate?

Your thoughts of online or long distance relationship?
Difficult to maintain

Have you ever seen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend cheating on them?

Do you believe the statement "love is a battlefield"?
More like a minefield

How many kids do you want to have?
I've got mine already

What is your favorite holiday?

Do you think the person you like, likes you back?
Sure, why not

Imagine you're 40 & your spouse just died, would you get re-married?
Not immediately

Who was the last person of the opposite sex you conversed with?

Where is the last place you went out to eat?
Barbecue food at Scott's

What was the last beverage you consumed?

Thoughts at this moment?
Random bits of work to get done

Do you bite your lips a lot?

What is more essential - a pretty face or a great body?
Neither are technically essential, both help make certain situations easier

Medicine, fine arts, law, or military?
All of the above

What do you like on your pizza?
If I have to have it, light sauce, light cheese, chicken & veggies

Favorite drink?
Gave up Mt. Dew, so, at the moment, Tea & Kool Aid with occasional shots, beers, mixers, malt beverages, etc, etc

Do you miss anyone?
When I don't wait for a good shot, yes

What were you doing at 10 PM on Saturday night?
On the phone with Matt who was visiting his family in NJ & going to get him some White Castle

Who do you hate?
Don't really hate

Who was the last person you had in your room?

Is your room clean?
Nope, in the middle of packing up

Can you speak another language?
Bits of German, Spanish, French and Polish, although at times I struggle with English

What are you going to do tomorrow?
Errands & miscellaneous crap

What is in store for your future?
there's a store?

Who was the last band you saw live and who did you see them with?
7venth Son at DB Coopers with Holly, Michelle, Pat & others

When was the last time you danced?
in the kitchen while making food earlier

When was the last time you purchased something over $500?
it's been quite some time

Favorite color?
Dark blue clearcoat metallic

Who is your favorite person to have a serious conversation with?
Anyone with a serious opinion

Who was driving the last time you were in a car?
Mama Loca

Where do you want to go?
Right now, I'm thinking Alaska might be nice

What are you wearing?
Shirts, Shorts, Shoes

How many tickets do you have?
None, not selling any at the moment

Why are you doing this survey?
Needed material for the blog

Who was the last person to call you?
The Pharmeceutically Enhanced Goddess

What does your twelveth message on your inbox say?
no idea

What are you craving?
Human Contact

Whats the closest red thing to you?
My plastic Captain Morgan glass that I took home from Ernie's

What are you listening to?
George Stroumboulopolous on The Hour

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