Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Progress, not Perfection

I've been noticing lately that as the days go by, I am starting to feel lighter and stronger and more sure of myself again. While it's a stretch to think that it's just because my divorce is now final, that has something to do with it. A lot of self-improvement articles invoke the "progress, not perfection" strategy, that by doing just a little bit, everyday, over time, all of your babysteps will add up to a better you. That's the goal I'm going for; all of the time I've been spending so selfishly on myself will eventually pay off since I'll be a kinder person, a more understanding friend, a more generous individual, etc. All I'm looking for right now is some time to get my priorities in order, good people to spend time with, and the freedom to be able to take care of my responsibilities. Oh, and if it isn't too much trouble, I'd really like my arms to get a bit more tone - but that's asking a lot of the universe, I think.

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