Monday, April 30, 2007

Quizzes stolen from EP's myspace page

Yes, currently have a myspace page, and I am subscribed to friend's blogs. EP's has some quizzes on his, and since I'm too lazy to think of anything good to write about today, I'll just copy & paste... he won't mind.

Adult survey.

1. What bill do you hate paying the most?
All of them

2. Where's the best place to eat a romantic dinner?
Home - more convenient for the "romantic" part

3. Last time you puked from drinking?
It's been months

4. When is the last time you got drunk and danced on a bar?
Drunk - it's been weeks, danced "on" a bar - never

5. Name of your 2nd grade teacher?
Mrs. Tenbrook, coincidentally, also my 1st grade teacher... she got promoted, and I remember a girl named Danielle FREAKING OUT and screaming, "There's no second grade!" because she didn't understand the concept. That may possibly have been one of the first times in my life when I just shook my head at someone and wondered how they could be so clueless.

6. What do you really want to be doing right now?
Depositing money in the bank

7. What did you want to be when you were growing up?
a Grown-Up

8. How many colleges did you attend?

9. Why did you wear the shirt that you have on right now?
it was clean, and since I was taking my sweater off, I needed to put something on to drive home in

10. Gas prices, First thought?

12. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?
it didn't, I woke up to my cell phone ringing, it was LT, for calling for the second time, and she woke me up yesterday too... maybe I should pay her to do that every day

13. Last thought before going to sleep last night?
wasn't thinking

14. What chore do you despise?
Yard work

15. If you didn't have to work, would you volunteer at an art gallery?

16. Get up early or sleep in?
both, depending on who's in the bed

17. Who is your favorite cartoon character?
Brock Samson

20. Favorite NON sexual thing to do at night with a girl/guy?

21. A secret that you wouldn't mind everyone knowing?
then it's not a secret!

22. Are you planning on remaining in your current field?
i'm not currently in a field, i'm sitting on my bed

23. If you are not married, do you see yourself married in the next five years?

24. Your favorite lunch meat?

25. What do you get every time you go into a Wal-Mart?

26. Beach or lake?

27. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual that was invented by people who died at 20?

28. Who do you stalk on MySpace?
no one in particular, but I'm always randomly clicking people's friends who I don't know

29. Favorite guilty pleasure?
Elimintaing guilt

30. Favorite movie you wouldn't want anyone to find out about?

31. What's "your" drink?
Currently, tequila shots chased by Coke, but it changes

32. Cowboys or Indians?

33. Cops or Robbers?

34. Do you cheer for the bad guy?
depends on how bad he is, I'm a fan of the anti-hero

35. What Hollywood star do you think you most look like?
I don't think i do

36. If you had to pick one, which cast member of Lost would you be?
No idea

38. Who from high school would you like to run into?
One particular guy - with my van

42. Norm or Cliff (Cheers)?

43. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons?

44. Worst relationship mistake that you wish you could take back?
No regrets!

45. Do you like the person who sits directly across from you at work?
Heh, i'm usually standing in front of a bunch of people, and don't really think about it that way

46. If you could get away with it, whom would you kill?
No one comes to mind right now

47. What famous person would you like to have dinner with?
Sandra Bullock, we'd eat take-out Chinese in our jammies & braid each other's hair

48. Have you ever had to use a fire extinguisher for its intended purpose?
Not yet

49. Last book you read for real?
The Zombie Survival Guide - because you just never know

50. Do you have a teddy bear?

51. Strangest place you have ever brushed your teeth?
the shower - i find it strange

52. Somewhere in California you've never been and would like to go?
don't really wanna

53. Number of texts in a day?
most - 14, usually none

54. At this point in your life would you rather start a new career or relationship?

55. Pencil or pen?

56. bueller??? bueller??? bueller???
I heard he's in the hospital, and needs a transplant, but if he does, he's going to donate his eyes to Stevie Wonder

57. where is it?
under that thing

58. Something you can do to relieve stress?

59. What do you think of the person that took this survey before you?

1. Height - 5'6"

2. Have you ever smoked heroin? No

3. Do you own a gun? yes

5. Do you get nervous before "meeting the parents"? No

6. What do you think of hot dogs? i don't

7. What's your favorite Christmas song? Santa Baby - the Eartha Kitt version

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Mt. Dew

9. Can you do push ups? Yes

10. Is your bathroom clean? Yes

11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? my watch, never leave home without it

12. Do you like painkillers? if i need them

14. Do you have A.D.D.? No

16. Middle Name? Francis

17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment...
Spongebob is on!
I have to go to the library, the bank, and the chiropractor

18. Name the last 3 things you have bought.
Bottle of Cherry Coke
Shot of Tequila, Glass of Coke
Burger & Fries

19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink.
Mt. Dew, Tequila & Coke, Kool-Aid

22. Current worry?
I have a lot to do, and am probably less motivated than I should be

23. Current hate?
nothing / no one I can think of

24. Favorite place to be?
Curled up in a blanket

25. Least favorite place to be?
In trouble

26. Where would you like to go?

27. Do you own slippers?

28. What shirt are you wearing?
Violent Femmes concert T-shirt

29. Do you burn or tan?
Burn like a lobster

30. Favorite color(s)?

31. Would you be a pirate?
dunno, maybe

33. What songs do you sing in the shower?
whatever comes to mind

34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?

35. What's in your pockets right now?

36. Last thing that made you laugh?
Spongebob - "There's a pirate and a parrot having an argument about me... and the parrot is winning!"

37. Best bed sheets as a child?
clean ones

38. Worst injury you've ever had?
define "worst"

40. How many TVs do you have in your house?

41. Who is your loudest friend?
all of them

42. Who is your most silent friend?
silent? hahahahahaha

43. Does someone have a crush on you?
It's possible

44. Do you wish on shooting stars?

45. What is your favorite book?
too many to pick just one

46. What is your favorite candy?
currently eating white jelly beans, but i prefer orange ones

47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding?
the Time Warp - and it was

48. What song do you want played at your funeral?
haven't thought about it

49. What were you doing 12 AM last night?
technically, it's just 12, or 12 midnight, but I was asleep

50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up today?
must... answer... phone... it's probably LT

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